rumraket ræset
(the space rocket race)
my final project from ID 15-18 at DMJX
"What we learn with pleasure, we never forget"
- Doctor Alfred Mercier
the client:
the product:
The Space Rocket Race is a complementary educational offer for middle school students when visiting the science center Tycho Brahe Planetarium on school trips. The offer includes materials for the teacher to prepare the pupils regarding astronomy and spacecraft before visiting the exhibition, a digital mobile game which can be downloaded on smartphones for the pupils to use during the visit to interact with the exhibition itself and finally evaluating materials for the teacher and the pupils to summarize after the visit back at the school.
The purpose behind the gamification of a school trip to this specific science center is to help them increase the interest of their educational programs for primary schools and thereby boost the motivation amongst the pupils regarding astronomy, which in the long term can result in a stronger position in a competing market for primary school trips.
the target group:
The target group is primary school pupils age 9 to 13 years as well as their teacher, who will act as the initiator. The pupils will actively through the game achieve motivation, empathy and healthy social relationships in the class. Throughout the game they will achieve a deepened understanding of astronomy, which will stick to their consciousness through playfulness and fun.
IKSON - Spring

mobile game


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process video (sorry not sorry)